NCMD Christmas Prize Draw 2021 Winners Announced!

The NCMD Christmas prize Draw was held today at midday.

The winning membership numbers and prizes were chosen via a random number generator.

There were 40 prizes, each comprising a £250 voucher to be used against purchases from one of the following retailers: REGTON, UNEARTHED, SPIN A DSIC, CRAWFORDS and JOAN ALLEN.

Congratulations to all the winners!

Winning membership numbers and prizes are listed below:

00016   SPIN A DISC              00473   SPIN A DISC                            00979   CRAWFORDS

01251   UNEARTHED             01311   CRAWFORDS                           01792   SPIN A DISC

02361   CRAWFORDS             02392   JOAN ALLEN                         04793   UNEARTHED

07237   JOAN ALLEN             07388   REGTONS                                08010   UNEARTHED

08315   REGTONS                   08819   CRAWFORDS                          10957   REGTONS

10987   CRAWFORDS             12353   CRAWFORDS                          12954   SPIN A DISC

13597   REGTONS                    13942   JOAN ALLEN                           15224   UNEARTHED

16909   SPIN A DISC               18513   JOAN ALLEN                          18586   REGTONS

18731   JOAN ALLEN              19289   UNEARTHED                          21000  UNEARTHED

21210   REGTONS                   21646   REGTONS                                 23452   CRAWFORDS

23459   SPIN A DISC               23639   SPIN A DISC                           25163   CRAWFORDS

25303   SPIN A DISC               25353   UNEARTHED                          25810   JOAN ALLEN

26073   JOAN ALLEN              26148   JOAN ALLEN                          26365   UNEARTHED